Artist Advancement Series

A FREE Workshop Series, made possible by the ArtsForward grant.

This playwriting incubator is an opportunity to invest in the creation of new work or finishing a work-in-progress, network with other playwrights, and discuss the potential for further development with a producing venue.

This financial literacy workshop will promote artist’s financial well-being through a hands-on financial coaching workshop, helping give artists the tools to make their careers fiscally sustainable.

This self-care for artists workshop will highlight the need for rest and recovery in the creative process, granting permission to not always be producing and acknowledging the physical, financial, and mental toll of the arts and culture sector.

This non-hierarchical leadership workshop will instill a sense of collaboration , innovation, empowerment, and responsibility both in the workplace and the world, and encourage the evolution of leadership structures in the arts.

This expressive arts workshop will provide tools for art makers to incorporate healing aspects of art-making, while minimizing harmful techniques in their practice with themselves and others.